2018-19 Certified Enrollment Results
The 2018-2019 Certified Enrollment Data is here! This report is based on full-time equivalents (FTE). As seen in the chart below, the district student FTE count decreased by 269 from 2017-18 to 2018-19. The 2018-19 Demographic Report is based on student counts (a student counts as one regardless of FTE). The certified enrollment count is always taken on the 1st day of October every year or the following Monday if the 1st falls on a weekend. Reminders concerning SAMI/State Testing/ESSA
All principals should have received an email from Mary Grinstead with pending action items related to accountability with the Iowa Department of Education. Below are highlights and reminders from that email: Action: Proper and Ethical Test Assurances The Iowa Department of Education requires a signed copy of the Assurances for Proper and Ethical Test Administration form for every PK-12 building principal each fall/winter. Please ensure the form is signed and emailed to April Murray ([email protected]) by December 14. Action: Consolidated Accountability and Support Application (CASA) Access If you do not have access already, please complete the steps below to gain access to CASA to enter your SAMI needs assessment data during the SAMI process.
Informational: ESSA Designations Reminder Schools will be receiving early embargoed information on ESSA designations and new report card based on the ESSA accountability index (call the Iowa School Performance Profiles) during the week of December 3. These designations and report cards will be made public during the week of December 17. More information can be found here. |
Winter MAP Testing
On Monday, December 3rd the MAP testing window will open for our winter session. The testing windows are:
End of the Semester Grading Reminders
The current semester ends on Tuesday, January 15th. Elementary & Middle Schools Your semester grading window will be opened on January 10th for you to start posting grades. All grades must be completed and posted for the semester by noon on January 21st. Office managers – if you want semester 1 reports cards printed, you must complete the electronic order form found in Infinite Campus. This can be submitted at any time for second semester but must be received by noon on January 21st to guarantee that reports cards are ready by January 28th. Any teachers having issues with their gradebooks should complete an SRG Support Ticket found in the electronic forms section in Infinite Campus. Please contact Kaitlyn Evans if you have questions. High Schools The semester 1 grading period ends on January 15th. Registrars at each high school will open your semester grading window sometime in January just before the end of the semester. More information about grade submission will be provided at the building level as they open the grading window. Any teachers having issues with their gradebooks should complete an SRG Support Ticket found in the electronic forms section in Infinite Campus. High schools wanting to order printed report cards for semester one should notify Kaitlyn Evans by January 21st in order to have report cards ready by January 28th. Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Results
Gallup is hosting a webinar on Wednesday, December 12 from 3:30-4:00 PM for all DMPS administrators and supervisors to review results from the Fall 2018 Q12 Employee Engagement Poll. Gallup will also provide an overview of their new reporting platform, Gallup Access. Q12 Employee Engagement Poll results will be available on Gallup Access (login.gallup.com) by December 7. Webinar Information
December 3 - December 14: Grades 1-5: Winter MAP Growth Testing
December 3 - January 11: Grades 6-8: Winter MAP Growth Testing December 12: Gallup Q12 Employee Engagement Survey Results Webinar |
January 7 - January 25: FastBridge Testing (K-3 Reading and K-1 Math)
--January 23: Soft close for data use at T&L January 15: Last Day of 1st Semester |
Dear Data Dude,
I want to send a short survey to my staff, how do I use Qualtrics to do this? Does everyone have an account?
Searching for Feedback
Dear Searching for Feedback,
All DMPS employees have access to a Qualtrics account. We have utilized single sign on so that your Microsoft credentials allows you to access Qualtrics. To create an account, go to dmschools.qualtrics.com. Once you have created an account visit the Qualtrics Quick Start Guide to get an introduction to Qualtrics.
As Always,
Data Dude
I want to send a short survey to my staff, how do I use Qualtrics to do this? Does everyone have an account?
Searching for Feedback
Dear Searching for Feedback,
All DMPS employees have access to a Qualtrics account. We have utilized single sign on so that your Microsoft credentials allows you to access Qualtrics. To create an account, go to dmschools.qualtrics.com. Once you have created an account visit the Qualtrics Quick Start Guide to get an introduction to Qualtrics.
As Always,
Data Dude
Spotlight on This Month's Data Dude
David Roney
I serve as the assessment coordinator and support buildings, administer district assessments, load and analyze assessment data, and assist with school improvement planning. Outside of work I love spending time with my wife (Sarah) and daughter (Leslie). We enjoy spending time outdoors, rebinging Parks and Recreation, and reading together.
David Roney
I serve as the assessment coordinator and support buildings, administer district assessments, load and analyze assessment data, and assist with school improvement planning. Outside of work I love spending time with my wife (Sarah) and daughter (Leslie). We enjoy spending time outdoors, rebinging Parks and Recreation, and reading together.