Spring 2020 Continuous School Improvement Timeline
A timeline of events related to continuous school improvement for schools designated for ESSA supports and non-ESSA designated schools has been developed. Please use this document to keep track of deadlines and learning opportunities this spring and summer. EL Testing: ELPA21
Between February 4 and March 6, DMPS English Learners will be taking the English Language Proficiency Assessment for the 21st Century (ELPA21). Make ups (if necessary) will occur between March 9-27. Please contact Vinh Nguyen with any questions about ELPA21 testing. |
Iowa Conditions for Learning Survey
The Iowa Department of Education has announced that it will be administering the annual Conditions for Learning survey for students in grades 3-12 through Panorama Education's survey platform this spring. It has also been announced that the survey will not be available until April 6. Therefore, we are shifting the Conditions for Learning survey window to April 6 through April 17. We will pass along information as we learn more. Reminder: All schools are required to administer this survey to students in grades 3-12 as a part of Iowa's ESSA plan. ISASP Observations
We plan to conduct at least 30 classroom observations of ISASP administration this spring to help in refining test administration guidelines/best practices for this new online test. School test coordinators and principals will be contacted in March to set up times for observations. We appreciate school staff member's willingness to help in collect information that will enable us to better serve all schools. Continuous Improvement Update
Assessment, Data and Evaluation’s own Kaitlyn Evans is the 3rd annual Distinguished Lean Practitioner! Read more here. |
March 2 - 13: Grades 3-12 & instructional staff: Panorama SEL Survey
March 26 - April 10: Grades 3-8: ISASP |
March 30 - April 10: Grades 9-11: ISASP
April 6 - 17: Grades 3-12: Conditions for Learning Survey |
Dear Data Diva,
I've learned that the only constant is change. What changes are coming in the Assessment, Data, and Evaluation world?
Signed, Curious
Dear Curious,
As you may know, Wilma Gajdel (Director of Federal & Grant Programs) will be retiring on June 30. Wilma's service and leadership has been a tremendous gift to DMPS. While Wilma is irreplaceable, we do have a plan for covering her job duties.
Mary Grinstead’s job responsibilities will expand to assume overall leadership for implementation of ESSA, including continued leadership for continuous school improvement planning and the DMPS Collaborative Problem-Solving Process.
April Murray, currently the Assessment and Data Project Specialist, will assume the position of Federal Programs Coordinator on July 1. April comes to us with valuable Title Program experience – she served as the Federal Program Specialist for Davenport Community Schools for four and a half years. We are lucky to have April on our ESSA team! (April’s current Project Specialist position will not be back-filled and her responsibilities will be redistributed within the current staffing levels for the Assessment, Data and Evaluation team.)
As Always, Data Diva
I've learned that the only constant is change. What changes are coming in the Assessment, Data, and Evaluation world?
Signed, Curious
Dear Curious,
As you may know, Wilma Gajdel (Director of Federal & Grant Programs) will be retiring on June 30. Wilma's service and leadership has been a tremendous gift to DMPS. While Wilma is irreplaceable, we do have a plan for covering her job duties.
Mary Grinstead’s job responsibilities will expand to assume overall leadership for implementation of ESSA, including continued leadership for continuous school improvement planning and the DMPS Collaborative Problem-Solving Process.
April Murray, currently the Assessment and Data Project Specialist, will assume the position of Federal Programs Coordinator on July 1. April comes to us with valuable Title Program experience – she served as the Federal Program Specialist for Davenport Community Schools for four and a half years. We are lucky to have April on our ESSA team! (April’s current Project Specialist position will not be back-filled and her responsibilities will be redistributed within the current staffing levels for the Assessment, Data and Evaluation team.)
As Always, Data Diva