Updated Iowa School Performance Profiles / ESSA Targeted Support Designations (Updated Jan 3)
Schools will be receiving early embargoed information on updated Iowa School Performance Profiles during the week of January 20. School designations for ESSA targeted supports will also be released, as these designations will be based on the Iowa School Performance Profiles (a.k.a., ESSA accountability index). These designations and performance profiles will be made public at www.iaschoolperformance.gov during the week of January 27. At a high level, reporting and identification will determined from the following indicators. More detailed information can be found here. DMPS Board Goals Public Reporting
A new webpage has been created (thank you communications team!) to share the background of our Board's SMART goals and share progress towards those goals. The next goal status report presented to the board (on January 7) is goal 1: The percent of all third grade students on track in reading will increase from 52% to 72% by June 2023, as measured by FAST. Winter MAP & FAST Testing
On Thursday, January 2, winter testing windows will begin. The testing windows are: Elementary Schools:
Dashboard Highlight: Tier 2/3 Identification
Need a list of all students in your school with assessment scores, behavior referrals, attendance, course grades, demographics, and more? We have it here. Quickly see which students are at-risk of falling behind so you can intervene. End of the Semester Grading Reminders
The current semester ends on Wednesday, January 15th. Any teachers having issues with their gradebooks should complete an SRG Support Ticket found in the electronic forms section in Infinite Campus. High schools wanting to order printed report cards for semester one should notify Kaitlyn Evans by January 2. Elementary Schools Your term 2 grading window is open and teachers may enter topic scores at any time until the end of the term. All grades must be completed and posted for the semester by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, January 22nd. If you want term 2 reports cards printed, you must complete the electronic order form found in Infinite Campus. This can be submitted at any time for second semester but must be received by noon on Friday, January 24th. You must also provide confirmation by noon on Friday, January 24th that your teachers’ grades are final and complete before your report cards will be generated (this confirmation can be in the form of an email to Kaitlyn Evans). Middle Schools Your semester 1 grading window will be opened on Monday, January 6th for teachers to start posting their final semester grades. All grades must be completed and posted for the semester by 4:00 pm on Wednesday, January 22nd. If you want semester 1 reports cards printed, you must complete the electronic order form found in Infinite Campus. This can be submitted at any time for second semester but must be received by noon on Friday, January 24th. You must also provide confirmation by noon on Friday, January 24th that your teachers’ grades are final and complete before your report cards will be generated (this confirmation can be in the form of an email to Kaitlyn Evans). High Schools The semester 1 grading period ends on January 15th. Your semester 1 grading window will be opened on Monday, January 6th for teachers to start posting their final semester grades. All semester grades must be posted by the end of the day on Thursday, January 16th. Registers will notify Kaitlyn Evans when they have confirmed the successful completion of all final grades so they can be transcribed by the end of the day on Monday, January 21st. If you would like semester 1 reports cards printed, you must complete the electronic order form found in Infinite Campus. This can be submitted at any time for second semester but must be received by noon on Friday, January 24th. |
January 2 - 15: Grades 2-5: MAP Testing
January 2 - 31: Grades 6-8: MAP Testing (grades 9-10 optional) January 20: EMBARGOED Iowa School Performance Profiles released to school leaders |
January 27: Iowa School Performance Profiles released to the public
January 21 - 31: Grades K-3: FAST Reading Testing January 21 - 31: Grades K-1: FAST Math Testing |
I hope everyone had some time to relax and reflect over winter break. I am thankful to work with so many amazing people who are so dedicated to serving our students.
As Always,
Data Diva & the Assessment, Data, & Evaluation Crew